The cyclical unemployment rate is defined as the ________ unemployment rates. The cyclical unemployment rate is defined as the ________ unemployment rates. difference between the existing (actual) and natural difference between the structural and frictional sum of the structural and frictional sum of the natural and frictional Item at position 3 3 1

Answer :

Unemployment is the result of workers losing their jobs, which, in turn, leads to an increase in cyclical unemployment due to an economic downturn, but if unemployment persists for many years, it can lead to structural unemployment.

  • the difference between the natural unemployment unemployment due to workers coming and going or searching for other work) and the current rate (the total amount of unemployed).

The cyclical unemployment

The cyclical unemployment rate is the difference between the natural unemployment rate (unemployment due to workers coming and going or searching for other work) and the current rate (the total amount of unemployed). It's difficult to look at data and determine why each person is unemployed.

Therefore, a cyclical unemployment rate is the difference between the natural unemployment rate and the current rate.

learn more about cyclic unemployment from here: