Answer :
In Spanish, there are five indirect object pronouns. They all have different meanings, lining up with pronouns.
Me = to me, for me, me (Yo)
Te = to you, for you, you familiar (Tú)
Le = to you formal/her/him, for you formal/her/him, you formal/her/him (Usted, Él, Ella)
Nos = to us, for us, us (Nosotros)
Les = to you formal plural/they masculine/they feminine, for you formal plural/they masculine/they feminine, you formal plural/they masculine/they feminine (Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas)
Using this information, we will fill in the blanks.
Answer 1:
Nosotros C. LE dimos los libros usados al profesor.
-> Translates to about "We ________ gave the used books to the teacher."
-> In this case the teacher is an él, or he. This means we will use le
Answer 2:
Mi profesora de ciencias A. ME dice a mí que es necesario recoger la basura en las calles.
-> Translates to about "My science teacher _____ tells me that it is necessary to collect garbage in the streets."
-> We will use (A. me) as "me" is receiving the action
What are indirect object pronouns?
An indirect object pronoun is used instead of the noun to show the person or thing receiving an action.