why is the created structure for marriage the only appropriate means for fulfilling god's purposes for sex

Answer :

God made man male and female and created lifelong, exclusive, and loving. Christ restored marriage to its original meaning, ruling out divorce, which Moses had permitted.

Chastity is the virtue of living human sexuality according to God's plan. In animals, sexuality is a matter of instinct, whereas the human person can control his or her sexuality and direct it to higher ends.

A personal and loving "meeting" between husband and wife is proper, which reaffirms their total dedication to each other. Every sexual act or expression must fully respect both the unitive and procreative aspects of human sexuality.

The conjugal act (marital act) is se-xual intercourse. It is called conjugal or marital because marriage is the only proper setting for it. The matrimonial covenant is an agreement that a man and a woman make to become lifelong partners.

The expression "by its nature ordered to" in relation to the marriage covenant means that God created the very structure of marriage. In this case, God made the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of children essential purposes of marriage.

Christ took marriage, a natural human institution, and made it a source of supernatural (spiritual) life and grace.

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