7.What is the main function of the cell wall?
A to make and store DNA
B to help the cell move
C to direct the activities of the cell D to support and protect the cell
8.Which of the following is an example of a prokaryote?
A a fungus B an animal C bacteria D a plant
9.Prokaryotes do not have which of the following?
A genetic material B any cytoplasm
C a cell membrane D a nucleus
10.What is the basic unit of structure of all living things? A tissue
B cell
C organ
D organ system
11.In what organelle is the genetic material found inside?
A Endoplasmic Reticulum B Nucleolus
C Golgi Complex
D Nucleus
12.What is the gel-like substance inside of cells called?
A photosynthesis B cytoplasm
C cytoskeleton
D photoplasm

13.What organelle is considered to be the “gatekeeper” for plant and animal cells?
A Cytoplasm
B Cell Wall
C Cell Membrane D Nucleous
14.What is the function of the vacuole?
A Sac filled with digestive chemicals
B Sac that stores water, nutrients, and waste products C Jelly-like substance within the plasma membrane
D stack of membranes that packages chemicals
15.I store water in both plant and animal cells. What am I?
A lysosomes B ribosomes C cytoplasm D vacuole
16.I am the outer most layer of an animal cell. What am I?
A cell skin
B cell wall
C nucleus
D cell membrane
17.What can only be found in plant cells?
A Mitochondrion B Chloroplast
C Cell membrane D Vacuole
18.Animal and Plant cells are both this type of cell.
A Eukaryote B Prokaryote

19.This type of cell needs a cell wall and chloroplasts
A Bacteria
B Animal Cell C Plant cell
20.Bacteria cells are this type of cell.
A Eukaryote B Prokaryote
21.The powerhouse of the cell is the...It converts energy from food into energy the cell can use
A Golgi body
B Ribosomes
C Mitochondrion D Nucleus
22.This organelle is in both plants and animals. It is a barrier between the cell and the environment. It controls what goes in and out of a cell.
A mitochondria B cell organelles C cell wall
D cell membrane
23.This organelle is in all eukaryotic cells. It is the control center of the cell because it holds the DNA.
A Mitochondria B Ribosomes C Nucleus
D Chloroplasts
24.Plants perform photosynthesis through this organelle. It captures energy from the sun and uses it to produce food for the cell.
A Chlorophyll
B Chloroplasts
C Mitochondria
D Golgi Apparatus

25.This structure is only in plant cells. It is outside of the cell membrane and adds more support/structure to the plant.
A Cell membrane
B Endoplasmic Reticulum C Cell Nucleus
D Cell Wall
26.Tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions within the cell.
A animalicules B nucleus
C membranes D organelles
27.This structure is a storage area for the cell. Plants usually have one large one.
A Vacuole
B Lysosome C Golgi Body D Ribosome
28.I am only found in a plant cell. What am I?
A chloroplast
B cell wall
C cytoplasm
D mitochondria
29.Non-living objects have cells.
A True B False
30.What keeps the organelles inside of a cell in its proper place?
A The cytoplasm B The cell wall
C The nucleus
D The chlorophyll

Answer :


7.) C

8.) C

9.) D

10.) B

11.) D

12.) B

13.) C

14.) B

15.) D

16.) D

17.) B

18.) A

19.) C

20.) B

21.) C

22.) D

23.) C

24.) B

25.) D

26.) D

27.) A

28.) A

29.) B

30.) A


Just to preface this, I did these problems very quickly and only based on knowledge from a couple years ago. While I did my best, I would probably review for accuracy - not just because I am worried about the validity of my answers, but also because it is good to learn from others' work. Let me know how this assignment goes for you! As always, happy to help. Best wishes!

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