
Helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp class=

Answer :

yo - I

tu - you

nosotros - us

vosotros - you all

el - he

ella - she

ud. - you

ellos - them

ellas - they

uds. - you

Forms of the verb ser (to be) in present tense:
Yo soy (I am)
Tú eres (you are [informal])
Él es (he is)
Ella es (she is)
Usted es (you are [formal])
Nosotros somos (we are)
Vosotros soís (you guys/y’all are [almost solely used in spain])
Ellos son (they [all male or mixed] are)
Ellas son (they are [all female])
Ustedes son (they are[formal])