Organism A is eukaryotic, is unicellular, and lacks a cell wall. Organism B is eukaryotic, is multicellular, has a cell wall, and contains chloroplasts.
In which kingdoms should these organisms be classified?
organism A in Animal and organism B in Fungi
organism A in Animal and organism Bin Plant
organism A in Protist and organism Bin Fungi
organism A in Protist and organism Bin Plant

Answer :


A is protist and B is plant


Animals are multicellular, organism A cannot be an animal. Organism B is a plant and not a fungus because it has chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are organelles in plant cells that help make food through photosynthesis.

The kingdoms in which these organisms should be classified are

  • organism A in Protist and
  • organism B in Plant.

There are a number of features that are shared by a large variety of organisms. The organisms with certain important features in common are put together into one group. The largest of these group is known as kingdoms.

The organism A belongs to kingdom protista because the kingdom bears the following features:

  • They are eukaryotes bearing membrane bound organelles.
  • They are single-celled (unicellular)
  • lacks a cell wall but contains a definite nucleus.

The organism B belongs to kingdom plantae  because the kingdom bears the following features:

  • They contain green pigment known as chloroplasts that enables them make their own food.
  • They are many-celled (multicellular)
  • They are eukaryotes bearing membrane bound organelles.

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