Do you think the challenge society faces with regard to feeding the world's growing population is an example of ecological carrying capacity? Why or why not?

Answer :

Answer: Yes


Carrying capacity can be defined as the total number of members of the population of a species that an ecosystem can sustain in terms of providing resources in the form of food, shelter and others. When the resources are available in surplus then the population of a species increases exponentially but declines when resources become scarce. The human population is increasing tremendously all over the world this is supported by the resources like food, water, fossil fuels, air, minerals, and others. But some of these resources are decreasing due to overuse and may not be available in future to sustain the future generation.

Ecological carrying capacity is a tool that is becoming indispensable for society today, to be able to answer the question we need to know that.....

The ecological carrying capacity

The ecological carrying capacity is defined as the number of visitors or visits an area can sustain without degrading natural resources. The social carrying capacity refers to level of recreational use where the fulfillment expectations of visitor experiences are not threatened because of crowding or misbehavior of other visitors. Most professionals agree that both ecological and social carrying capacity factors must be considered for effective area planning and management. For managerial applications, it is essential to learn about the

  • User attitudes
  • User preferences
  • and Site use impacts relating to management objectives.

With this information, we can say that the answer is yes, society needs to overcome this challenge of planning available resources and the behavior of individuals.

Why ecological carrying capacity, it is necessary that measures be taken in advance for a better quality of life and resources in the place to be visited, in this way to overcome the challenge of modern society against the growth of population in the world.

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