Convert CH4 to C2H6?
Dehydration of alcohol by conc. H2SO4.....?

Answer :



CH4 + Cl2 → CH3-Cl + HCl

2CH3-Cl +2Na → C2H6


CH3-CH2-OH ---(conc. H2SO4)----> CH2=CH2 + H2O


1. Conversion of methane to ethane

Step 1 - Treat methane with chlorine gas presence of ultraviolet light

CH4 + Cl2 → CH3-Cl + HCl

Step 2 - Treat chloromethane formed in step 1 with the sodium metal and dry ether  (Wrutz synthesis)

2CH3-Cl +2Na → C2H6

2. On treating ethanol with excess of concentrated sulfuric acid, it converts into ethene

CH3-CH2-OH ---(conc. H2SO4)----> CH2=CH2 + H2O