1. Identify the effect of the logical reasoning that King employs in paragraph 44.

Answer :

The logical reasoning in paragraph 44 is related to the churches' loss of meaning, for not collaborating with the oppressed, as Christ did.

Through questions similar to yours, we can see that you are referring to "Letter from Birmingham Jail."

According to the reading of this letter, we can state that:

  • In paragraph 44, King is using logical reasoning to show the hypocrisy of the churches.
  • He did this by showing how churches have turned their backs on the civil rights movement, even as the African American population has suffered and been oppressed by the pursuit of these rights.
  • It shows that the Church must follow in the footsteps of Christ, who helped the oppressed and acted on their behalf.
  • In this case, if the church fights the civil rights movement, it is acting against the teachings of Christ, and logically establishing itself as a hypocritical institution.

In this case, we can say that King reveals that the churches do not live what they preach and for that reason, they will become insignificant and undeserving of the faithful's attention.

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