a man with red-green color blindness (a recessive, sex-linked condition) marries a woman with normal vision whose father was color-blind. what is the probability that they will have a color-blind daughter? that their first son will be color-blind? (note the different wording in the two questions.)

Answer :

Colorblindness is a congenital illness that is handed down from parents. The X-chromosome contains the gene for red-green colorblindness.

If the colorblind gene is present, one out of every three cone cells does not form or becomes less sensitive to light.

-It is a recessive X-linked illness. Colorblind genes must be present on both X chromosomes in females (XX) in order to manifest phenotypically.

This indicates that if colorblind genes are present on both X-chromosomes, the female will be colorblind. If a woman carries only one color-blind gene, she is referred to be a "carrier," but she will not be colorblind.

-Males (XY) will be colorblind if the gene is exclusively found on his X chromosome. As a result, even if his father is colorblind, a colorblind boy cannot inherit a colorblind gene from him since his father can only pass on an X chromosome to his daughters.

As can be seen, each kid has a 50% probability of being colorblind. Each daughter is 50% likely to be colorblind and 50% likely to be a carrier. The tough aspect about utilizing this table is when Mom isn't colorblind.

Learn more about to Colorblindness visit here :
