Place the following in sequence from highest to lowest temperature: a) lithosphere; b) mantle; c) core.

Answer :

The highest temperature is belong to core (C), and then following by mantle (B), and the last is belong to lithosphere (A).

Which layer has the highest temperature and lowest temperature?

  • The Earth's layers can be sorted by temperature. The layers from coolest to hottest, the coolest is belong crust, and then continued by mantle, outer core, and inner core. The crust's temperature can vary from the air temperature locate on top to the down of layers. The highest temperature of the crust could be up to 1600 degree Fahrenheit.
  • The Inner Core is the center and the hottest layer of the Earth. The inner core is solid and made up of iron and nickel with temperatures up to 5,500°C, this layer also has a highest pressure then other.

Learn more about Earth's layers here: