Which among the following is the most reactive halogen F Cl Br I?

Answer :

Fluorine is the most reactive of all the elements in the periodic table.

It reacts all the other elements except the lighter noble gases (He, Ne and Ar). It reacts with "Xe" under mild condition to form 'Xe' fluorides.

Reactions of F(2) with many elements are vigorous and often explosives. In the passive form a few metals such as 'Cu, Ni, Fe' and 'Al' acquire a protective fluoride coating.

However ,if these metals are in powdered form (with a large surface area) or if the reaction mixture is heated ,then the reaction is vigorous. The reactivity of the other halogens decreases in the order 'Cl > Br > I.'

Chlorine and bromine reacts with most of the elements thorugh less vigorously than does fluoride. Iodine is less reactive and does not combine with some elements such as 'S' and 'Se'.

Fluorine and chlorine often oxidize elements further than do bromine and iodine, by this means bringing out ghigher valcances: 'PF_(5), PCl_(5), SF_(6)' etc.

The great reactivity of fluorine is attributable to two factors:

(i) The low bond dissociation enthalpy of the 'F-F' bond which results in a low activation energy for the energy.

(ii) The very strong bond which are formed.  

Both of these properties arise form the small size of fluorine. The weak 'F-F' bond arises because of repulsion between the lone pair of electons on the two 'F' atoms. Strong bonds arise because of the high coordination number '(SF_(6))' and high lattice enthalpy '(CaF_(2))'

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