How do you choose key terms in a research paper?

Answer :

Key terms search res-ults help resear-chers to find articles that are rele-vant to their own research inte-rest.

Avoiding the dupli-cation of words already in the art-icle’s title is strongly recom-mended by journals. It is prefer-able to choose key terms that comp-liment the main topic of your research, including rel-ated words and/or method-ology-specific terms. Al-ways remem-ber to test your selected key-terms.

Make sure to fol-low any instruct-ions your target journal pro-vides regarding key terms. Think about wh-at terms you would use to sea-rch for papers related to your topic. Key-terms should indicate the gen-eral subject mat-ter; how-ever, they sho-uld not be too broad.

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