What does the National Security Strategy do?

Answer :

Our national interests are the foundation of our National Security Strategy, which aims to safeguard the safety of the American people, increase economic opportunity and prosperity, and realize and uphold the democratic principles that are the cornerstone of the American way of life.

The 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS) establishes the Department's strategic direction and priorities for the Joint Force, laying out how the U.S. military will counteract escalating threats to its national security interests and to a secure and open international order. Protect the country, the people, and the way of life in America. promote the prosperity of America. Keep the peace by using your might. American influence is increasing. The Office of the Secretary of Defense prepares the NDS, which is required to be published every four years. In order to ensure global security and prosperity, the paper discusses how the Department of Defense will help to accomplishing NSS objectives. The executive branch of the United States produces a document known as the National Security Strategy (NSS) on a regular basis that outlines its goals for addressing various national security issues. The Goldwater-Nichols Act lays out the legal basis for the document.

Learn more about National Security Strategy here
