What is canvassing and why is it important?

Answer :

The approach of canvassing, which is widely used in political campaigns, comprises carefully making first contact with individuals.

Membership drives, grassroots fundraising, community awareness initiatives, and political campaigns are just a few of the many uses for canvassing. Campaigners knock on doors to personally interact with people. A team from your organization goes door to door or stands on the street and solicits funds for the work they do. This tactic is known as canvassing. A few businesses also carry out phone surveys.

The members of the local boards of elections meet as the "local board of canvassers" to examine and tally provisional and mail-in ballots. Canvases are the name given to these assemblages. Both political parties must send out canvassers.

Learn more about canvassing here: https://brainly.com/question/29615070