"reolved, that it i the duty of the women of thi country to ecure to themelve and their acred right to the elective franchie" the goal of thi revolution wa achieved with the. A. Ighning of the civil right
b. Paage of the prohibition law
c. Ratification of the nineteenth admendment
d. Creation of the woman army auxiliary corp

Answer :

He extended a courteous and sincere hand in the hopes that it might be in the enjoyment of the elective franchise. Eventually, it appeared that the proper distinction was that the owners should have more elective franchise than non-owners.

on the Spartan tenet of "calling that which is just, equal; not that which is equal, just," a Pekin city directory noted Nance's fortitude as she approached the end of her life: "She arrived here a chattel, with 'no rights that a white man was compelled to respect' a and now, in her still vigorous old age, she sees her race disenthralled; the chains that bound them forever shattered, their equality before the law everywhere recognised. Remember, "ballot" is a sort of shorthand not just for the elective franchise but for all the tools of democratic citizenship: free speech, the rights of assembly and petition, and access to the courts. If the action is peaceful, it is not really resistance.

learn more about elective franchise here:
