The Convention Begins
At the beginning of the convention the delegates agreed that "nothing spoken in this House be printed or otherwise published." The delegates expected heated debate and did not want these disagreements to influence whether or not the new form of government would be accepted or rejected.
Once the meetings started it was overwhelmingly clear, even to those that opposed a strong central government, that a stronger federal government was needed to hold the nation together.
The Virgina Plan
On May 29, Virginia Governor Edmund Randolph presented the Virginia Plan on behalf of James Madison.
The plan called for a strong national government with three branches:
Legislative Branch (Congress) - makes laws.
Executive Branch (Presidency) - carries out laws.
Judicial Branch (Supreme Court) - determines if the laws are fair.
The plan also called for a bicameral system legislature (Senate and House of Representatives). The number of representatives would in each house would be based on population. Larger states would have more representation (and therefore more power).
The New Jersey Plan
On June 15, New Jersey Governor William Patterson presented the New Jersey Plan.
The plan called for a unicameral system legislature (One governing body), in which all states would have equal votes.
The Connecticut Compromise
On July 16, Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth, delegates from Connecticut, proposed The Great Compromise, in which they establish a two-house legislature. Each house would incorporate one of the plans. The Senate would provide the unicameral system, in which each state has 2 votes, while the House of Representatives uses the bicameral system, in which the number of representatives each state get is based on their population amount.
Learn more about the 3 plans, here: - Virginia Plan - New Jersey Plan - Connecticut Compromise