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Answer :

While the "A" at first symbolizes "adultery," later, numerous individuals assign meanings like "able" or "angel" to the letter because of the community's views of the Hester amendment. For Governor Bellingham's servant, the letter signals Hester's property-owning ("aristocratic" or "authoritarian") standing.

The novel ends with a symbolic epitaph from Hester's grave, within the future. The last sentence reveals the words graven into her tombstone: “On a Field, Sable, the Letter A, Gules.” These words evoke a visible image of the made brown, or sable, earth upon which a red, or gules, letter “A” sits.

The ethical of The emblem is that secret sin ends up in guilt and pain. Hester is publicly rebuked, which causes her pain; however, she is strong and gains independence through this.

To learn more about Hester's grave, visit here