Answer :
When the number of Calories a person consumes is equal to the number of Calories he or she burns in a day, that person's body is in energy balance.
Explain about number of calories a person consumes?
- Someone who is in energy excess eats more Calories in a day than he or she burns
- Energy deficit occurs when the number of Calories a person burns in a day is greater than the amount he or she consumes
- Used to help assess overall health, is the ratio of a person's body weight to the square of his or her height Body Mass Index (BMI)
- The is the amount of energy the body uses in order to perform its basic physiological functions Basal Metabolic Rate The Thermic effect of food refers to the number of Calories burned in order to digest food and absorb, transport, metabolize, and store the nutrients the body needs
- A person's Lean Body Mass refers to his or her total body mass minus fat mass
- The Energy cost of physical activity refers to all energy expended on body movement above basal levels.
- The human body needs energy to function in the best wey. This energy comes from calories that are found in food and beverages. When we consume more energy than we burn, this is going to increase our body weight, which could be then seen in our Body mass index (BMI).
- Nutritionists use a formula to determine how much energy our body needs. We need to take into account the thermic effect of food, our basal metabolic rate, and we have to add the energy cost of physical activity, which will depend on its intensity.
- Basal Metabolic Rate will change because it depends on our body composition, age and sex.
To learn more about physiological functions refer to: