Answer :
The theory that explains about the movement of continents is called continental drift. It states that the earth's continents have moved over time, relative to each other.
Earthquake is one of the major natural disasters. It causes a huge loss of life and property around the world. It occurs due to the shaking of the surface of the earth due to the sudden release of energy in the earth's crust. The first motion of an earthquake begins at the focus. It is the place inside the earth's crust where the earthquake originates.
A terrane becomes a part of a continent in a process called accretion.
Alfred Wegener produced evidence in 1912 that continents are in motion but as he could not explain what forces could move them geologists rejected his ideas. Almost 50 years later, Harry Hess confirmed Wegener's ideas by using the evidence of seafloor spreading to explain his statements.
Convection, ridge push and slab pull work together to produce constant plate tectonic motion.
To know more about earthquake: