according to the 12th century history work samguk sagi, when choe was twelve years of age, in 869, his father sent him to study in tang, seeing him off with the admonition that if he did not pass the chinese imperial examination within ten years he would cease to be his son.

Answer :

Choe Chiwon studied for many years in Tang China, passed the Tang imperial examination, and rose to the high office there before returning to Silla, where he made ultimately futile attempts to reform the governmental apparatus of a declining Silla state.

The examination system was the common method of selecting candidates for state offices. A civil service examination system in Imperial China designed to select the best potential candidates to serve as administrative officials. It was created during the Tang period and became during the Song period the prevalent form of choosing appointees. It was the regular path into officialdom, in contrast to irregular ways like the purchase of a student status.

Choe Chiwon passed the Tang imperial examination, and rose to the high office.

To know more about The Chineses Imperial Examination -