Which of the following words best describes the relationship between Karla and Jade? (1 point)
⦁ competitive
⦁ encouraging
⦁ friendly ****
⦁ unpredictable

Answer :

Friendly words best describe the relationship between Karla and Jade.

own family (from Latin: familia) is a set of people related both via consanguinity (with the aid of identified delivery) or affinity (with the aid of marriage or different courting). The reason of the own family is to preserve the nicely-being of its contributors and of society. preferably, families offer predictability, shape, and safety as members mature and examine to participate in the community.[1] traditionally, most human societies use family because the primary locus of attachment, nurturance, and socialization. Anthropologists classify most family companies as matrifocal (a mother and her kids), patrifocal (a father and his youngsters), conjugal (a spouse, her husband, and children, additionally called the nuclear circle of relatives), avuncular (a man, his sister, and her youngsters), or prolonged (in addition to parents and youngsters, might also encompass grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins).

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