According to Bartolome de las Casas, what was an effect of the spanish arrival in the American please help

The War obliterated Indigenous Communities.
One of the first Spanish settlers in the New World was a Dominican friar named Bartolomé de Las Casas. After taking part in the invasion of Cuba, Las Casas released his own slaves and protested the atrocities and injustices committed by the Spanish throughout the empire. He promoted Native Americans' equal humanity and fundamental rights. Las Casas fought for Native Americans' better treatment as well as their conversion to Christianity. In 1537, Pope Paul III issued an edict prohibiting the enslavement of Native Americans in response to the agreement.
The enslavement of Native Americans was also approved by the Spanish crown, who forbade it in the 1542 New Laws. The encomienda system, which permitted the Spanish to acquire Native Americans' lands and compel their labor, was abolished by the crown in 1550. A Very Brief Description of the Destruction of the Indies, a terrible account of Spanish atrocities, was published by Las Casas in 1552.
Instead of the introduction of disease, he attributed the decline in Native American populations to Spanish violence. This gave rise to the Black Legend, a myth that Protestant countries like England and the Netherlands used as propaganda to disparage the Catholic Spain's imperial system and advance their own, which they perceived as more peaceful and kind, means of settlement.
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