Q1 paula:
I've always heard about background checks when applying for a new job, but I never really understood what that meant. Is that the same thing as checking someone's credit history?
A credit check can certainly be part of it, especially when hiring a new accountant. The Select a.FCRA b.GDPR c.HITECH d.RFPA Item 1 requires that we get the person's permission, though, before requesting their credit history.
Q2 Paula:
What happens if there's something wrong on a person's credit report? Do applicants have a way of checking that information before applying for a job?
Oh, definitely. The Select a.RFPA b.FACTA c.FCRA d.FERPA Item 1 allows you to request a free copy of your credit report from each of the three consumer credit reporting agencies each year. And even if you don't do that ahead of time, the employer must give you a chance to review the report they used if it reflects negatively on you, so you can address any potential errors.
My husband and I are about to make an offer on our first house. Maybe we should check our credit reports for that, too?
That's probably a good idea. Keep in mind the only official website for requesting these free credit reports is through A. annual credit report. b.comconsumer.ftc.govf c.reecreditreport.com d.Experian.com

Answer :

1) The answer to the first question is: GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation Act)

2) The answer for the second question is: RFPA(The Right to Financial Privacy Act)

What is GDPR?

The world's strictest privacy and security law is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Despite being created and adopted by the European Union (EU), it imposes obligations on organizations worldwide that target or gather information about individuals living in the EU. On May 25, 2018, the rule came into force. Those who violate the GDPR's privacy and security standards will face severe fines that could total tens of millions of euros.

With the GDPR, Europe is demonstrating its unwavering commitment to data security and privacy at a time when more people are entrusting their personal information to cloud services and data breaches are occurring on a regular basis.

Learn more about GDPR
