Answer :
Callers can find assistance for, among others, the elderly, the disabled, non-English speakers, people going through a personal crisis, people who have trouble reading, and people who are new to their communities by dialing 211.
What is 211?
The 2-1-1 system is run by county-based organizations that collaborate with nearby human services organizations and by service providers that connect callers to neighborhood community services. These organizations and service providers are associates of 2-1-1 California, which collaborates with regional 2-1-1 service providers during emergencies and disasters and is a member of the California Association of Information and Referral Services (CAIRS). A database of community service organizations and programs is created and maintained by each individual service provider for the county or counties it serves. The database is updated at least once a year. Providers and organisations must first apply to the Commission for permission to offer the 2-1-1 service.
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