Answer :
Even while there has been considerable improvement, the underlying cause of racism in America is still not fully understood or accepted by all "new racism" views.
The phrase "cultural racism" has been used to refer to prejudice and discrimination based on cultural differences between racial or ethnic groups. Neo-racism, new racism, postmodern racism, and differentialist racism are some other names for it. Examples of this include the ideas that some cultures are superior to others and that many civilizations are inherently incompatible and shouldn't coexist in the same society or state. In this respect, it differs from biological racism or scientific racism, which is the term for prejudice and discrimination based on presumptions about biological differences between racial or ethnic groupings. The concept of cultural racism was founded in the 1980s and 1990s by West European academics like Martin Barker, Étienne Balibar, and Pierre-André Taguieff. These thinkers advocated the use of racism.
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