Answer :
The cardiac conduction system is responsible for the rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle and the generation of electrical signals that control the heart rate. It is composed of specialized muscle cells and nerves that are found throughout the heart. The main components of the system include the sinoatrial (SA) node, the atrioventricular (AV) node, the Bundle of His, the Purkinje fibers, as well as the right and left bundle branches.
The SA node is the heart's natural pacemaker and is located in the right atrium. It is responsible for initiating the electrical impulse that signals the heart muscle to contract. The impulse then travels through the AV node, located at the base of the right atrium, where it slows down before passing through the Bundle of His. This bundle contains specialized fibers that help conduct the electrical impulse to the ventricles. From there, the impulse is transmitted to the Purkinje fibers, which are located in the ventricles. Finally, the impulse is sent to the right and left bundle branches, which help distribute it to the rest of the heart muscle. Through this process, the heart is able to maintain a regular rhythm and beat.
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