according to the equilibrium hypothesis, in an established ecosystem, if a new species flourishes:

Answer :

The equilibrium hypothesis states that introducing a new species to an ecosystem isolated habitat will result in the extinction of an existing species.

Animals are the amazing engineers of nature, creating some of the most magnificent constructions we have ever seen. Some of these species demonstrate their strength by building enormous termite mounds, intricate anthills, and sturdy dams.There are numerous well-known examples of ecosystem engineers, such as beavers, woodpeckers or other cavity-nesting birds, and burrowing creatures that make tunnels that are useful to a variety of species.They create nutrients for other animals, as well as nutrients fortifying the soil via their faeces, which in turn gives nutrients for plants (which, yes, means that plants are also consumers). Many animals, like horses, cattle, and deer, only eat plants; we'll refer to these animals as grazers.Animals aid in plant reproduction by dispersing seeds and transporting pollen from one plant to another. Small mammals and insects assist lessen damage caused by caterpillars, rabbits, and other plant-eating animals.

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