draw the expected edman degradation product of lys-gly-met-ala after one cycle.

Answer :

The coupling reaction, cleavage reaction, and conversion step are the three processes that make up the Edman degradation process.

The Edman degradation may be performed to progressively identify the amino acids starting from the N-terminal amino acid of the molecule since it does not break the peptide bonds in the protein. The protein sequencer, or automated Edman degradation, is a commonly used tool nowadays that can sequence peptides up to 50 amino acids. Pehr Edman created the Edman degradation technique to sequence the amino acids in peptides. The peptide link between the other amino acid residues is not broken throughout the process of labeling and cleaving the amino-terminal residue from the peptide.The N-terminus amino acid is sequentially released from the peptide during Edman degradation as a PTH derivative, and the successively formed PTH derivatives may be recognized by chromatographic methods or electrophoresis31,32.

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