When running at its operating speed_ 220- dc motor with an armature whose resistance What series resistance would be requlred to Iimit the starting current to 20 A? draws current of 21.0

Answer :

220-dc motor powered by a 5.3 ohm armature whose resistance is running at its operating speed the series resistance would be necessary to keep the initial current under 20 A

Distance travelled in a unit of time is referred to as speed. It is the rate of movement of an object. Speed is a scalar quantity and the velocity vector's magnitude. There is no clear direction to it. An object is travelling more quickly if its speed is higher. Slower motion is indicated by a lower speed. In simple words, we define speed or velocity as the distance travelled in a specific amount of time. If an automobile is driving faster if its speed is higher. A slow vehicle has less speed, as we say. if an object moves quickly.

Req = R + r = 2 + r

Req = V/I2 + 2 + r = 220/30 60 + 30 r = 220 30 r = 160 r = 5.3 ohm

Learn more about speed here
