The Latin root "par" means equal. Use this knowledge and your familiarity with affixes to arrive at a definition of disparity. How is this definition confirmed by context clues in the fourth paragraph?

Answer :

The Latin root "par" means equal. Use this knowledge and your familiarity with affixes to arrive at a definition of disparity. This definition is confirmed by context clues in the fourth paragraph like a discrepancy would constitute an inequality because the prefix "par" disproves its equality. Contextual hints support this since Douglass contrasts a free person's perspective with that of an enslaved person on July 4.

Latin gave the word par- it's meaning of "equal;  Words like apart, apartheid, bipartisan, similar, compare, compartment, counterpart, depart, department, departure, degrade, impart, incomparable, pair, par, parenthesis, part, partial, participle, particle, particular, partisan, partition, party, and repartee all have this connotation.

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