if 10.0 moles of o₂ are reacted with excess no in the reaction below, and only 7.2 mol of no₂ were collected, then what is the percent yield for the reaction? 2 no (g) o₂ (g) → 2 no₂ (g)

Answer :

Consequently, the reaction's yield percentage is 36 moles.

What do you understand by the term moles?

Moles (nevi) are a common form of skin development. They often appear as tiny, dark brown spots and are caused by clusters of pigment-forming cells (melanocytes) (melanocytes). Most people have between 10 and 40 moles, which typically appear between the ages of 10 and 40 and may change or vanish over time. A condition that affects the pigment-producing skin cells that are frequently known as moles or birthmarks. Raised, flat, or rough melanocytic nevi are all possible. They could be present at birth or develop later. Rarely, melanocytic nevi can become malignant. Most cases don't need treatment, but in some, the mole must be removed.

What are cancerous moles like?

The borders typically have irregular, serrated, or hazy shapes. The pigment may cover the skin in the vicinity. Uneven color: Tan, brown, & black shades may be present in variable amounts. Patches of white, grey, red, pinkish, and blue are also possible.


The balance numbers are the same. (The remaining balance is 2 and 2)

The O2's balance is indicated by the number 1.

Therefore, two moles of NO2 should be created for every mole of O2 required.

20 mols of NO2 should be created for every 10.0 moles of oxygen utilized.

The proper formula is:

(What was produced / What Should Have Been Produced) * 100 = % yield.

What was created equaled 7 moles.

20 moles should have been generated.

Substitute the givens into the equation

% yield =7.2 /20 * 100

% yield = 0.36 * 100

Therefore the answer is 36moles.

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