Answer :
Labeling the nephron function system. (The diagram is in the picture)
What is the mechanism of urine formation in the nephron?
There are three important events in the formation of urine, namely filtering (filtration), absorption (reabsorption), and collection (augmentation).
The process of filtration occurs between the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule. When blood from the afferent arterioles enters the glomerulus, blood pressure is high. This causes water and molecules that are not dissolved in the blood to pass through the capillary walls of the glomerulus. Then, water and its molecules enter the filtration plate of Bowman's capsule. The result of this filtration is called glomerular filtrate or primary urine. The concentration of fluid as filtered enters the glomerulus is 300 mOSM, 100 percent by volume.
When the filtrate is removed, the blood in the glomerular efferent arterioles becomes very concentrated. This happens because the loss of so much water. In addition, the filtrate contains large substances that cannot pass through the glomerular capillary walls, such as blood cells, large proteins, and fat fragments. So that the volume of liquid is reduced to 30 percent. While the concentration of dissolved substances is still 300 mOSM
Meanwhile, primary urine, which is produced from Bowman's capsule, enters the proximal convoluted tubule. At the junction points between the capillaries surrounding the tubules, glucose and amino acids and Na+ ions are absorbed. The primary urine that enters the loop of Henle is already more isotonic with the blood in the capillaries. In the loop of Henle absorption of NaCl and water occurs. Absorption continues in the distal convoluted tubule. This is where the absorption of urea, creatinine, medicinal ingredients, H+, and NH4 – occurs. Meanwhile, NaCl salt and water and HCO3 ions - are re-absorbed. The results of this reabsorption contain water, salt, urea, and bile pigments which give urine its odor and color.
Enters the collecting tubule. In these tubules, water, NaCl salts, and urea are still being reabsorbed so that urine is formed which must be excreted from the body. From the collecting tubules, urine enters the renal pelvis, then flows down the ureters to the bladder (urinary bladder). When the bladder is full, the person will feel the urge to urinate.
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