in mla format, how should the following parenthetical citation for a book written by a single author appear?
A. (Carter, p. 23)
B. (Carter 2004, p. 23)
C. (Carter 23)
D. (Peter Carter 23)

Answer :

The correct answer is (Carter 23).

Using parenthesis to create in-text citations is known as parenthetical referencing.

A comprehensive, alphabetized list of all the citations is typically included with them in a section at the conclusion of the paper that is titled "references," "reference list," "works referenced," or "end-text citations."

A parenthetical citation places the source of a quote or paraphrase in parentheses. It gives necessary details such as the original source, the date of publication, and the page number(s) cited.

The term "MLA style" refers to the format suggested by the Modern Language Association (MLA) for writing academic articles and research papers for students.

MLA format is most frequently used to reference sources in the humanities disciplines of language arts, cultural studies, and others.

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