TRUE/FALSE. During the 1991 Gulf War, President George H. W. Bush's approval rating reached 89 percent, but he lost the presidential election the next year.

Answer :

Statement is True : During the 1991 Gulf War, President George H. W. Bush's approval rating reached 89 percent, but he lost the presidential election the next year.

Up until the middle of April 1991, George H.W. Bush's approval rating was above 80%. However, it began to decline over the course of the following year as Americans' focus shifted from the Persian Gulf to the ailing U.S. economy.

Although the recession was formally over in March 1991, the belief among Americans that the economy was still in bad health lasted long into the following year. George H.W.Bush approval rating fell below 60% by October, the month of Clarence Thomas' Supreme Court nomination.

George H. W. Bush's faces numerous challenges in 1992.

George H.W.Bush approval rating was 46% at the start of the 1992 election cycle, the first time it has fallen below the majority mark.

During the 1992 presidential primaries, when George H. W. Bush defeated conservative commentator Patrick Buchanan for the Republican nomination and the Democrats gathered around Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, it fell even further, to the low 40s.

Early in 1992, billionaire businessman H. Ross Perot also entered the race as an independent with a conservative lean who posed a threat to George H. W. Bush's support in the general election.

To know more about George H. W. Bush:
