what professional sport has a starting line-up equal to the number of sitting u.s. supreme court justices?

Answer :

Baseball sport has a starting line-up equal to the number of sitting u.s. supreme court justices.

A field is used for the bat-and-ball game of baseball, which is played between two teams. A baseball is thrown by a player on one team to a player on the other team, who then tries to hit the ball with a bat. The ball-hitting player must then circle the field. The laughter, clapping, and overall delight that everyone is experiencing are nearly intoxicating. It's impossible not to pick up on and feel the buzz. Fans of baseball are the most unbelievably devoted ever. Some teams have never had a championship, but their supporters still support them.

Long before 1800, similar games were played in America. The first publication of "baseball" rules was in a 1796 German book by Johann Guts Muths.

Learn more about baseball here: https://brainly.com/question/857914