Congress could not restrict the expansion of slavery. "Bleeding Kansas" showed the divisiveness and how far people were willing to go over the issue of. State True or False your answer:
a. True
b. False

Answer :

Congress could not restrict the expansion of slavery. "Bleeding Kansas" showed the divisiveness and how far people were willing to go over the issue of True

Three awesome political companies occupied Kansas: pro-slavery, unfastened-Staters and abolitionists. Violence broke out straight away between those opposing factions and persevered till 1861 when Kansas entered the Union as a unfastened state on January 29. this era became for all time known as Bleeding Kansas.

Bleeding Kansas verified that armed war over slavery was unavoidable. Its severity made country wide headlines, which cautioned to the yank human beings that the sectional disputes were unlikely to be resolved with out bloodshed, and it, consequently, acted as a preface to the Civil struggle.

Bleeding Kansas become a mini civil warfare among pro- and anti-slavery forces that took place in Kansas from 1856 to 1865. Following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854, heaps of Northerners and Southerners got here to the newly created Kansas Territory.

Learn more about Bleeding Kansas  here: