Answer :
On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, overturning an earlier decision, Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce (Austin), and prohibiting independent corporate spending. Did. The court also ruled that McConnell v.
The Supreme Court is the highest court within the judicial hierarchy in most jurisdictions. Other names for such courts are the Court of Last Resort, the Apex Court, and the High Court of Appeal. As a general rule, decisions of the Supreme Court are not subject to further review by another court.
Supreme Court. noun A supreme federal court that has appellate jurisdiction (in the United States) and that exercises supervisory jurisdiction over lower courts. Highest state court (in many states).
The Supreme Court, head of the judicial branch of India, is the supreme body that interprets and upholds the Indian Constitution, protects the rights and liberties of its citizens and upholds legal values. The Supreme Court is therefore the custodian of the Constitution.
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