Although rates of sexual activity are no higher in the United States than in many other industrialized countries, rates of STDs, teen pregnancy, and teen childbearing are. What factors do you think contribute to this?

Answer :

In comparison to most other affluent nations, the United States has substantially higher rates of adolescent pregnancy, birth, abortion, and STDs.

Studies of adolescent births, abortions, sexual activity, and contraceptive use were conducted in Canada, the United States, Sweden, France, and Great Britain using data collected by private organizations or for regional or local populations in addition to government statistics or nationally representative survey data. In comparison to Great Britain (15%), Canada (11%), France (6%) and Sweden (4%), the United States has a higher rate of adolescent childbirth (22% of women reported having a child before the age of 20); discrepancies are much bigger for births to younger teenagers. In comparison to other nations, the United States has a lower percentage of teen pregnancies that are ended by abortion; nevertheless, due to their high pregnancy rate, American teenagers have the highest abortion rate. Although the average age at which people first have sex is similar across nations, American teenagers are the most likely to have several partners. In comparison to France (11% and 12%), Great Britain (21% and 4%), and Sweden (22% and 7%), more American women reported not using a contraception during their first or most recent sexual encounters (25% and 20%, respectively).

Learn more about adolescent pregnancy here