If you crossed a dihybrid (A1A2B B2) individual to a A2A2 B2B2 individual, which of the following phenotypes are possible? (Check all that apply; phenotypes are in units of color.) 0 units (white) 1 unit (light pink) 2 units (dark pink) 3 units (light red) 4 units (dark red)

Answer :

Because two separate genes influence this feature, it is a case of polygenic inheritance.

When two or more genes control a phenotypes characteristic, polygenic inheritance occurs.

How does polygenic inheritance work? Simply said, polygenic inheritance refers to a phenotypic trait that is controlled by more than one gene. It is a term used in biology to describe the quantitative inheritance process in which two or more separate genes work together to influence a single phenotypic feature. Polygenic inheritance resembles multiple gene, multiple factor, or multifactorial inheritance in certain ways. As a result, polygenic inheritance refers to phenotypic traits that are the result of the cumulative expression of numerous genes rather than a single gene feature.

It is significant to highlight that the pattern and expression of polygenic inheritance varies from those of Mendelian inheritance. Each phenotypic trait in Mendelian Inheritance is monogenic, which means that depending on whether it is 'a dominant,' it will either be expressed or hidden.

Learn more about Polygenic inheritance here:
