Julia grew up in an environment in which no matter what she did, she could not control the important events in her life. According to personality theorists, she is likely to develop ____.a.conditional positive regardb.learned helplessnessc.an internal locus of controld.an underdeveloped ego

Answer :

Julia was raised in a situation where, despite her best efforts, she was powerless to influence the significant occasions in her life. She is prone to acquire learned helplessness, according to social learning theorists.

When an animal is repeatedly exposed to an unpleasant stimulus from which it cannot escape, learned helplessness develops. The animal will eventually cease attempting to avoid the stimulation and start acting as though it has no control over the circumstance. Even when there are opportunities to flee, this ingrained helplessness will keep you from taking any action.

People may start acting helplessly when they believe they have no control over their circumstances. This passivity may cause people to miss chances for relief or improvement.

A child who consistently does poorly on arithmetic assignments and tests will quickly come to believe that there is nothing he can do to improve his math abilities. He can feel helpless later on when confronted with any kind of math-related assignment.

Learned helplessness has also been linked to a variety of mental illnesses. Learned helplessness can make depression, anxiety, phobias, shyness, and loneliness worse.

To learn more about learned helplessness, refer: https://brainly.com/question/7425577