when the cells of the blastocyst divide into two groups about 15 days after conception one group includes___ and the other group forms an

Answer :

About 15 days following conception, the cells of a blastocyst split into two groups, one of which contains the early embryonic cells while the other which creates an environment that will protect & nourish the embryo.

It splits into two cells after around 30 hours. The two embryonic cells split into four after around 15 hours. And after three days, this fertilized egg cell had developed into a 16-cell berry-like structure. The Latin word for mulberry, morula, is used to describe this building. The zygote grows by mitosis, and once it has condensed into an 8–16 cell ball, it is known as that of the morula. A ball of cells known as a blastocyst develops in the first five to six days of pregnancy, shortly after one sperm fertilizes an egg. It embeds itself in the uterine wall, developing into an embryo and subsequently a fetus.

(When the cells of the blastocyst divide into two groups, about 15 days after conception, one group includes _____ and the other group forms an environment to protect and nourish the embryo.)

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