permanent records are destroyed after a fixed period of time or the occurrence of an event.

Answer :

Permanent records are dest-royed after a fixed period of time or the occur-rence of an event. This given statement is False.  Perma-nent records are never destroy-ed; Temporary records are dest-royed within a fixed pe-riod of time.

Records manage-ment, also known as records and inform-ation manage-ment, is an organ-izational function devoted to the manage-ment of inform-ation in an organization through-out its life cycle, from the time of crea-tion or receipt to its event-ual disposition. This includes identi-fying, class-ifying, storing, securing, retriev-ing, tracking and destroy-ing or permanently preserv-ing records.

Federal agencies are temp-orary; meaning that they must be destroy-ed after a specific time period. That per-iod may range from very short to very long, but temp-orary records must be destroyed at some point, once they are no long-er needed for regular busi-ness.

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