Answer :
Using the knowledge in computational language in C++ it is possible to write a code that Create the logic for a program that continuously prompts the user for a number of dollars until the user enters 0.
Writting the code:
using namespace std;
void displayBills(int dollars)
int ones,fives,tens,twenties,temp;
twenties = dollars / 20;
temp = dollars % 20;
tens = temp / 10;
temp = temp % 10;
fives = temp / 5;
ones = temp % 5;
cout<< "\nThe dollar amount of ", dollars, " can be represented by the following monetary denominations\n";
cout<<"twenties: "<<twenties<<"\ntens: "<<tens<<"\nfives: "<<fives<<"\nones: "<<ones;
int main()
int dollars;
cout<<"Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: ";
cout<<"\nPlease enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: ";
return 0;
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