Queuing system A has a utilization of 80 percent, and queuing system B has a utilization of 90 percent. Both have single server. Say, the utilization of both systems increases by 5 percent; that is, A increases from 80 percent to 85 percent while B increases from 90 percent to 95 percent. Which system is likely to experience the smaller increase in the average time in queue?

a) System A

b) System B

c) Time in queue for each system will increase by the same amount.

d) More information is needed to determine which has a bigger change in average time in queue

Answer :

(b) System B is likely to experience a smaller increase in the average time in queue.

As utilization increases, the length of time in line grows more quickly. So a 5% increase in utilization has a larger effect from 90% to 95% than from 80% to 85%.

When you use something, you use it, whether it's a tool—like when you write something down with a pen—or a talent or skill—like the speed you use when you run a race. Utilization is the act of using something, such as using your voice to sing a song. It may be necessary for a team to use a gym for practices until the rain stops.

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