Answer :
Here is an example of a program that allows you to determine the salary to be paid to a salesperson based on 15% of the sales made. This program uses the concept of global and local variables, as well as comments to indicate which variables are local.
// Global variable to hold the salary
double salary;
// Function to calculate the salary based on the sales made
double calculateSalary(double sales)
// Local variable to hold the percentage of the sales
double percentage = 0.15;
// Calculate the salary based on the percentage of the sales
double salary = sales * percentage;
// Return the calculated salary
return salary;
int main()
// Input the sales made by the salesperson
double sales = 0;
cin >> sales;
// Calculate the salary using the calculateSalary function
salary = calculateSalary(sales);
// Output the calculated salary
cout << "The salary is: " << salary << endl;
return 0;
In this program, the calculateSalary function takes in the sales made by the salesperson as an input and returns the salary to be paid based on 15% of the sales. The calculateSalary function has a local variable called percentage that holds the percentage of the sales to be used to calculate the salary.
The main function is used to input the sales made by the salesperson and call the calculateSalary function to calculate the salary. The salary variable used in the main function is the same global salary variable defined at the beginning of the program, which is used to store the calculated salary.
The comments in the program indicate which variables are local (e.g. percentage) and which are global (e.g. salary). This can help to clarify the scope and purpose of each variable used in the program.