in some reactions forming a chalcone, it is possible to isolate the beta-hydroxyketone intermediate prior to dehydration. does this possibility suggest which step is the rate-determining step? yes or no. b. if so, which is the rate-determining step?

Answer :

Yes because It is possible to isolate the beta-hydroxyketone intermediate in several chalcone-forming processes before dehydration.

Is the rate determining step the first step?

The rate-determining step is a common feature of many response mechanisms. This step is significantly slower than the others. The rate law for the whole reaction may be determined directly from the molar ratio of the step's balancing equation if the rate-determining stage is really the first phase in a mechanism.

Why does the step that determines rate have to be the slowest?

This is because a phase that moves slowly needs more time to complete since it may entail numerous other processes. As an illustration, a reactant would need to disseminate or migrating to a certain reaction site before the other reaction can occur, which then immediately creates a product.

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