a very old man with enormous wings how does the way the people treat the old man change over the course of the story and how does this develop the theme brainly

Answer :

The story of The Old Man With Enormous

Wings reveals how humans may respond

differently to who is weak, dependent or


It has moments of compassion

but mostly of cruelty throughout the story,

because of the old man intriguing presence.

His human body with the unexpected wings

looks not completely human nor magical

or surreal. His human side is shown by his

filth, disease and infirmity. Also by his rare

reactions to the others that gathered to

watch him and seek for healing and comfort.

The doctor was amazed that such an

unhealthy man could still live and also how

the old man's wing seemed natural. The

narrator speak of the "lunar dust", 'stellar

parasites" and the "consolation miracles"

bringing his genuine supernatural qualities,

but keeping his nature a mystery.

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