Answer :
There are 6 steps you need to follow.
How to analyze determinants of average school test score?
To analyze the determinants of average school test scores using a dataset with information on 500 schools in California, the following steps should be taken:
What are the steps to analyze?
- Import the data from the Excel file "CAschools.xls" into Stata, and label the variables according to the accompanying "CAschools Description" document.
- Produce a table of summary statistics for the variables in the dataset, and generate scatter plots to help decide which independent variables to include in the model.
- Estimate a simple linear regression model of the determinants of test scores, including student teacher ratio, the share of students receiving free or reduced-price school meals, the share of English language learners, and zip code median income as explanatory variables.
- Interpret the economic and statistical significance of the estimates, and assess whether the model is successful in explaining the variation in test scores.
- Extend the model to include additional explanatory variables, and perform appropriate tests to investigate whether these new variables add explanatory power to the model.
- Investigate whether zip code median income has a non-linear relationship with test scores, and whether the relationship between average teacher experience and test scores differs between schools with above and below median shares of English language learners.
- Write a report on the analysis, including tables, graphs, and interpretations from all four parts.
The do-file used to carry out this analysis should be included as an appendix to the report.
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