Answer :
Certain occupations are related with an increased risk of anorexia or bulimia nervosa. Professional actors are most at risk of acquiring one of these eating problems.
Bulimia nervosa, sometimes known as just bulimia, is indeed an eating disorder that is characterized by binge-eaten is by purging by fast, as well as an obsessive concern with body size and weight. The purpose of this exercise is just to rid the body of the calories consumed during the binge phase of the procedure. Binge eating is defined as eating a significant amount of food within a short period of time. Purging refers to attempts to be get rid of food ingested. This can be accomplished by vomiting or misuse of laxatives. Most bulimia nervosa are of normal weight. Forcing vomiting may result in thicker skin on the knuckles, tooth decay, and impacts on metabolism and calories that produce thyroid malfunction.
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